While I was cleaning off the hard drive of my old laptop I found a folder of old robot sketches. Not necessarily GOOD sketches, but ones I liked. Most were drawn in the margins of notes for school, or on cocktail napkins.

It's not a boob, it's totally something else.

Some sort of stick insect bounty huntery thing.

Pre-tablet photoshop sketch. It was sort of inspired by the robot trains I saw driving through SODO.

This was the concept sketch for my final project in Mechanical Engineering , the Dokutake robot.

The finished product.

Super old sketch I drew on a flight back from visiting my wife when she still lived in Tennessee.

This was an idea for a fish controlled robot. I was so stoked when I saw that someone had already done

This was just a concept doodled in between portfolio layouts.

Not even sure if this is a robot, but I liked it.

Another sketch of the same concept. This is back when I only sketched with Bic Round-stick mediums. I've sort of cleaned up my sketch style since then, lost all that fine art style hairiness. I kind of miss the warmth you could get out of the cheapest pen made though.


Not really a robot, but I liked this sketch.

This was for a composite project I never finished. This was really the best of the lot.