This will be the end of the ceramics stuff. Above is a tank for insects that I left outside during the winter and it fell apart. I had wanted to put a little dead bug driving it but never got around to it.

I did this sculpture of Hannya from a Japanese ghost story 3 years ago. She is always depicted as mean and scary, but in the story she doesn't really do anything evil. She just seem sad, lonely, and persecuted.

I did this Puss Moth caterpillar in a workshop with the sculptor Beth Cavener-Stichter. It's solid clay, and about 300 times life size and now it lives in my basement.

I had an instructor tell me that surrealism is for people who don't know what they want to do. This is definitely the case here. I sculpted the face in a life drawing class, and I liked it too much too scrap it, so I made it into this beetle carapace. The wings broke so many times before I fired it, I don't know how those guys at the Franklin Mint do it.